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Thursday, June 4, 2009

At the Warehouse Office

Basketball and biking kept me busy at the plant. However, there were many times when I wanted to do what the employees were doing. One time, I went into the warehouse office. They were busy filling up some documents and typing on pink papers certain numbers. It was interesting for me. So, when everybody went out, I thought it was time for me to learn how to do what they were doing. I picked up some of those pink papers with long numbers at the upper right side. I inserted one into a typewriter and copied what they typed on the others.

“I would finish this before they return”. I told myself.

However, I could not avoid mistakes.

“I can’t show them these pink papers with erasures…” I told myself again.

So I just crumpled them and threw them into the garbage basket. I think, I used up more or less four pink papers before I got bored. It was taking them too long to return so I decided to leave the warehouse office.

After maybe an hour, I returned. They were smiling at me but there was something in their smile that made my heart beat fast. I did not know why until somebody asked me…

“Did you type on the pink papers?”

“Oh no! What did I do this time?” I asked myself. Something in me wanted to deny it so I shook my head left to right to say no.

“Don’t deny it! We recovered the crumpled pink papers from the garbage basket”, the man said. I kept silent.

“Don’t you know that those papers have control numbers? He continued. “You’re dead meat!” He scared me as he laughed.

“Oh no! Not again!” I told myself. This time I was really scared. I left the room. After a while, dad approached me. I knew I was in trouble.

“Next time, don’t play with company equipment and documents. Do you understand?” Dad said.

“Yes, dad”. I replied with a nod. I expected some spanking from Dad but it did not come.

From that time on, I never played with purchase order forms.

Photo courtesy of:

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